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As your health partner for life, Holston Medical Group is committed to providing high-quality, lower-cost options to help you make the most of every healthcare dollar you spend. We continue making investments that give our communities a choice in the care and healthcare services they receive.

Our state-of-the-art Outpatient Diagnostic Centers are available to both HMG and non-HMG patients and are conveniently located in:

Each of our state-licensed, ACR-accredited facilities boasts fully digital diagnostic imaging, providing high-quality images and timely results. Our centers also offer extended hours and even weekends as needed.

If you need a diagnostic study or procedure, be a smart healthcare consumer and utilize this price-transparent resource below to weigh your options for possible savings on your next study/procedure. To make the most of every healthcare dollar, we encourage you to request an estimate of your out-of-pocket expense from various diagnostic centers. Talk to your doctor about where you want your study or procedure performed; you have a choice.

Listed below is a chart comparing the charges for various diagnostic procedures. Charges listed do not include contrast which will be an additional charge. Charges listed may not represent your out-of-pocket expense after insurance or applicable self-pay discount. Please contact the diagnostic center for an out-of-pocket estimate based on your insurance coverage.

For studies that require medications, medication cost is not included in the below charge estimate and varies by insurance coverage and patient need.

* Please note that the Ballad Health charge does not include an interpretation of the study. The radiologist will send an additional bill to the patient to interpret the study.

** The HMG charge includes both the study and the radiologist interpretation (you and your insurance provider receive only one bill from HMG).

MRI Description *Ballad Health **HMG
70336 TMJ(S) $3,560 $882
70540 Orbit, Face, Neck, Soft Tissue $3,560 $821
70543 MRI Orbit Face Neck w/wo Contrast $4,581 $1,577
70544 MRA Head w/o Contrast $3,560 $1,073
70549 MRA neck w/wo(Caro) $1,648
71550 Chest w/o Contrast $3,560 $936
70551 MRI Brain w/o Contrast $3,560 $857
71552 Chest w/wo Contrast $4,581 $1,400
70553 MRI Brain w/wo Contrast $4,581 $1,528
71555 MRA chest (aorta) $924
72141 MRI C-Spine w/o Contrast $3,560 $827
72146 MRI T-Spine w/o Contrast $3,560 $827
72148 MRI L-Spine w/o Contrast $3,560 $823
72156 MRI C-Spine w/wo Contrast $4,581 $1,572
72157 MRI Spinal Canal w/wo Contrast $4,581 $1,575
72158 MRI L-Spine w/wo Contrast $4,581 $1,570
72195 MRI Pelvis w/o Contrast $3,560 $857
72197 MRI Pelvis w/wo Contrast $4,581 $1,450
72198 MRA pelvis w/wo $735
73218 MRI Upper Extremity Non Joint w/o Contrast $3,560 $833
73220 MRI Upper Extremity w/wo Contrast $4,581 $1,144
73221 MRI Upper Extremity Joint w/o Contrast $3,560 $1,085
73223 Upper Extremity Joint w/wo Contrast $4,581 $1,076
73718 MRI Lower Extremity Not Joint w/o Contrast $3,560 $833
73720 MRI Lower Extremity w/wo Contrast $4,581 $1,381
73721 MRI Lower Extremity Joint w/o Contrast $3,560 $870
73723 MRI Joint Lower Extremity w/wo Contrast $4,581 $1,200
73725 MRA run-off $736
74181 MRI Abdomen w/o Contrast $3,560 $763
74183 MRI Abdomen w/wo Contrast $4,581 $1,624
74185 MRI Angio Abdomen w/wo Contrast $932
77048 MRI Breast w/wo Contrast, CAD, Unilateral $750
77049 MRI Breast w/wo Contrast, CAD, Bilateral $5,874 $1,466

Mammo Description *Ballad Health **HMG
77063 Screening Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Bilat $599 $104
77065 Mammo Diagnostic Unileral/CAD $461 $248
77066 Mammo Diagnostic Bilateral/CAD $692 $314
77067 Mammo Screening Bilateral/CAD $487 $260
G0204 Bilat, Diag $461
G0206 Unilat, Diag $692
G0279 Diagnostic Breast Tomosynthesis; Unilat or Bilat $104
Bone Dens Description *Ballad Health **HMG
77080 Dexa Full/Large Bone $543 $170
U/S Description *Ballad Health **HMG
76536 Ultrasound Thyroid Head Neck $568 $215
76641 Ultrasound Breast $568 $199
76700 Ultrasound Abdominal $625 $241
76705 Ultrasound Abdomen Limited $568 $185
76770 Ultrasound Renal $625 $263
76805 OB comp $1,142 $280
76815 Ultrasound OB Limited $568 $174
76816 Ultrasound OB Follow Up or Repeat $214
76818 OB bio-phys $227
76830 Ultrasound Transvaginal $568 $226
76856 Ultrasound Pelvic Complete $568 $214
76870 Ultrasound Scrotum/Testicular $568 $221
93880 Ultrasound Carotid $1,388 $467
93926 bilat, inqnl dop $1,388 $282
93970 Ultrasound Venous Doppler Bilateral $2,082 $455
93971 Ultrasound Venous Doppler Unilateral $1,388 $278
76706 Ultrasound AA Aneurysm Screening $568 $174
76882 Ext Limited/Axilla/Cyst $568 $120
Nuclear Medicine Description *Ballad Health **HMG
78013 Thyroid Scan Vascular $359
78014 NM Thyroid Uptake, Scan $455
78070 NM Parathyroid Scan $565
78215 NM Liver/Spleen Scan $367
78227 NM Hida w/ Pharma $2,532 $848
78264 NM Gastric Emptying $2,532 $630
78306 NM Bone Whole Body $3,059 $477
78315 NM Bone 3 Phase $655
78707 Renal w cap $440
CT Description *Ballad Health **HMG
70450 CT Head $3,129 $370
70460 CT Head w/ Contrast $3,874 $440
70470 CT Head w/wo Contrast $4,218 $490
70480 CT Orbit Sella Ear w/o Contrast $3,129 $554
70482 CT Orbit w/wo Contrast $4,195 $709
70486 CT Sinuses Maxillofacial $3,129 $456
70490 CT Neck w/o Contrast $3,129 $445
70491 CT Neck w/ Contrast $3,874 $543
70492 CT Neck w/wo Contrast $4,218 $638
70496 CT Angio Head w/wo Contrast $3,129 $1,100
70498 CT Angio Neck w/wo Contrast $3,561 $1,100
71250 CT Chest/ Thorax w/o Contrast $3,129 $475
71260 CT Chest w/ Contrast $3,874 $550
71270 Chest w/wo $4,218 $675
71275 CTA chest $850
72125 CT C-Spine w/o Contrast $3,129 $510
72128 CT T-Spine w/o Contrast $3,129 $430
72131 CT L-Spine w/o Contrast $3,129 $495
72192 CT Pelvis w/o Contrast $3,129 $406
72193 CT Pelvis w/ Contrast $3,874 $546
72194 CT Pelvis w/wo Contrast $4,218 $625
73200 CT Upper Extremity w/o Contrast $3,129 $417
73700 CT Lower Extremity $3,129 $494
73706 Angio Lower Ext $647
74150 CT Abdomen w/o Contrast $3,129 $416
74160 CT Abdomen w/ Contrast $3,874 $637
74170 CT Abdomen w/wo Contrast $4,218 $724
74174 CTA Abdomen & Pelvis w/ Contrast $3,786 $1,072
74176 CT Abdomen & Pelvis w/o Contrast $3,129 $466
74177 CT Abdomen & Pelvis w/ Contrast $3,874 $720
74178 CT Abdomen & Pelvis w/wo Contrast $4,218 $850
75635 CT Angio Run Off $898
75571 CT Heart No Contrast Quant Eval Coronary (Calcium Scoring) $216 $226
74263 CT Virtual Colonoscopy Screening $749
X-Ray Description *Ballad Health **HMG
70100 Mandible $60
70150 X-ray Facial Complete w/ Interp $426 $87
70160 X-ray Nasal Bones w/ Interp $387 $69
70200 X-ray Orbitals w/ Interp $387 $89
70210 X-ray Sinus Series w/ Interp $387 $63
70220 X-ray Sinus Series, Comp $426 $80
70250 X-ray Skull 4 Views w/ Interp $387 $76
70260 X-ray Skull, Comp $426 $96
70360 X-ray Neck Soft Tissue $387 $52
71045 X-ray Chest 1 View $369 $40
71046 X-ray Chest 2 Views w/ Interp $406 $115
71100 X-ray Ribs, Uni $369 $66
71101 X-ray Chest & Ribs $406 $81
71111 X-ray Ribs, Bilat $670 $109
71120 X-ray Sternum w/ Interp $387 $64
71130 X-ray SC Joints $76
72020 X-ray Spine 1 View $387 $48
72040 X-ray Cervical Spine 2-3 Views $426 $72
72050 X-ray Cervical Spine 4-5 Views $468 $103
72052 X-ray Cervical Spine w Flex/Ext $515 $129
72072 X-ray Thoracic Spin 3 Views $426 $76
72080 X-ray Thoraco-Lumbar $515 $74
72081 Scolio $387 $77
72100 X-ray Lumbar Spine 2-3 Views w/ Interp $387 $85
72110 X-ray Lumbar Spine 4 Views w/ Interp $426 $110
72170 X-ray Pelvis 1 View $387 $116
72190 X-ray Pelvis 3 Views $426 $88
72202 X-ray Si Joints $426 $71
72220 X-ray Sacrum Coccyx $387 $59
73000 X-ray Cervical w/ Interp $387 $59
73010 X-ray Scapula Complete $387 $65
73030 X-ray Shoulder w/ Interp $426 $131
73050 X-ray AC Joints Bilateral $82
73060 X-ray Humerus w/ Interp $387 $59
73080 X-ray Elbow 3 or More Views $468 $77
73090 X-ray Forearm w/ Interp $387 $57
73092 X-ray Infant upper Ext. 2V $50
73110 X-ray Wrist 3 Views w/ Interp $468 $86
73120 X-ray Hand 2 Views $426 $64
73130 X-ray Hand w/ Interp 468 $78
73140 X-ray Finger w/ Interp $387 $69
73502 X-ray Hip Unilateral 2-3 Views $273 $93
73521 X-ray Hips Bilateral 2 Views $409 $79
73552 X-ray Femur 2 or More Views $426 $65
73560 X-ray Knee 1-2 Views w/ Interp $387 $73
73562 X-ray Knee 3 Views $426 $87
73565 X-ray Knees Bilateral $387 $82
73590 X-ray Tibia/Fibula 2 Views w/ Interp $426 $57
73592 X-ray Bilateral Lower Ext. Peds $51
73600 X-ray Ankle 2 Views $426 $59
73610 X-ray Ankle w/ Interp $468 $77
73620 X-ray Foot 2 Views $57
73630 X-ray Foot w/ Interp $426 $65
73650 X-ray Calcaneus w/ Interp $387 $59
73660 X-ray toe w/ Interp $426 $62
74018 X-ray KUB 1 View w/ Interp $369 $63
74019 X-ray Abdomen Flat, Erct, or Dec $406 $75
74022 X-ray Abdomen 2 Views, PA CXR $387 $99
77072 X-ray Bone Age Studies $387 $43
77074 X-ray Bone Survey Limited $387 $120
77075 X-ray Bone Survey Comp $387 $182
77076 Child Bone Survey $177
77077 Joint Survey 1 View $387

* Please note that the Ballad Health charge does not include an interpretation of the study. The radiologist will send an additional bill to the patient to interpret the study.

** The HMG charge includes both the study and the radiologist interpretation (you and your insurance provider receive only one bill from HMG).