Am I asleep during my endoscopy?
You will be lightly to moderately sedated during your procedure so you will not feel discomfort when the endoscope is inserted into your mouth.
Will I gag during or after my procedure?
In addition to being sedated, your doctor or anesthetist will spray the back of your throat with a local anesthetic. Most people don’t experience gagging problems.
How soon can I return to work after my procedure?
Most patients return to work the following morning. Today’s sedation drugs wear off more quickly than medicines used in the past. However, you can still have lingering effects the day of your procedures. Therefore, we recommend that you refrain from driving, operating machinery or making decisions until the day following the procedure.
How long is recovery from an endoscopy or colonoscopy?
Most of our patients stay in the recovery area for 30 to 60 minutes following the procedure. You may still be drowsy from sedation, which is why having a driver with you is mandatory. Because we use CO2, most of our patients experience less bloating and nausea. In fact, patients usually feel little to no lingering discomfort.
When can I eat or drink after my procedure?
When you wake up following your procedure, you can choose what you wish to drink. You may wish to eat a light meal when you get home. Many of our patients awake very hungry, but go slowly in the beginning. This gives your digestive tract and stomach time to adjust.
Can my procedure be done if I have a cold or cough?
Call our office as soon as possible to discuss your illness because each case is different. Procedures are typically rescheduled if you have a fever, breathing difficulties, or a virus.
Can I brush my teeth before an endoscopy?
Yes, you may brush your teeth the morning your endoscopy is scheduled. However, use caution not to swallow liquid while brushing.
Can a colonoscopy be performed if I cannot finish the prep?
This depends on how much of the prep you were able to complete. Call our office at 423-274-6361 to speak with a nurse to help determine if your colonoscopy can be performed as scheduled. You should also call our office if you get sick at the beginning of the prep so that we can look at other options.
How soon will I know the results of my procedure?
Your doctor will speak with you immediately following your procedure regarding his or her findings. Because you may be drowsy, it is helpful to have your driver present. Pathology and test results for biopsies, polyps, etc. are typically mailed within 10 days following your procedure.
FAQs about Endoscopies