Danielle Weston, DO
Primary Care Physician
Specializing in:
HMG Primary Care at Sapling Grove
240 Medical Park Blvd.
Suite 3000
Bristol, TN 37620Hours
Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm
About Dr. Weston
Growing outside of Elizabethton, Dr. Weston became the first person in her family to enter the medical field. "Having my roots here gives me a deeper comprehension and rapport with my patients," Dr. Weston explains. "I'm intimately familiar with this area, its inhabitants, and their deeply held values, which I believe aids in forging enduring connections with them."
The path of family medicine appealed to Dr. Weston due to the deep, personal bonds it allows doctors to develop with their patients. She is a proponent of a comprehensive care strategy, taking into account every facet of an individual’s life to collaboratively devise the most effective treatment plan.
Doctor of Osteopathy
Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine
Lynchburg, VA
ETSU Family Medicine of Bristol
Bristol, TN
East Tennessee State University
Johnson City, TN